Sunday, July 31, 2005

Quick theme changing

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Marek Jurman told me about this quick way to change themes; In a nautilus location bar (press Ctrl-L to get one), type in "themes:///" (without the quote-signs off course) and press enter. A nautilus window will open (like a folder) with icons (thumbnails) for every theme on your system. Just click one to quickly apply a theme.
When you want to tweak the theme further, you have to open the theme dialog (where you can also change themes) by System > Preferences > Theme. In this window you can change window borders, window element styles and icons separately.

Have fun!

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"A Prerelease Tour of GNOME 2.12"
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As Ed Crypt already noted in a comment on an earlier post about Gnome 2.12 features, Davyd Madeley did it again. Davyd Created a nice page with a list of most of the new Gnome 2.12 features (you can see in the UI). As he states in his blog post, it's even not done yet, so we can expect even more from the new Gnome.
There are a lot of new, exciting and enhanced things in the upcoming Gnome and I can't wait to have my hands on it. I think I'm gonna try out Ubuntu Breezy.



Thursday, July 07, 2005

No icons on desktop

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I found out someone came on my blog by searching google for "hide gnome 2.10 desktop icons". Well, in fact this is really easy to disable;
Open Gnome's Configuration Editor (gconf-editor; Applications > System Tools > Configuration Editor), browse through the tree to /apps/nautilus/preferences and uncheck the 'show_desktop' option. Now you're in there you can tweak a lot more, but be carefull ;)!



Gnome 2.12 Sneak Peek
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I stumbled upon this page on the gnome-wiki which seems to be a draft for the Gnome 2.12 release notes. Check it out to see some great new things and enhancements we'll see in 2.12!


BTW: I went to Strasbourg to protest against software-patents and the Law was rejected! Thanks to all the people protesting at several occasions, contacting their MEP's etc.


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Epiphany problem: right / middle click
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I reïnstalled my desktop-box again :). But, I was so stupid to use the first Ubuntu CD I could find laying around on my desk, which happened to be a warty one. And as I was to lazy to reinstall it again ("I was too busy" would have been a lie ;)) I thought I'd just upgrade the packages I really use to hoary for now and do this till breezy comes out within some months. (Maybe I won't be able to wait and reinstall it with the right CD if I run into troubles with it.)
Anyway; I got the following problem: Clicking the right or middle mousebutton on links in Epiphany just didn't do anything. I visited the #epiphany IRC-channel (on, and asked if this was a known problem (hereby I'd like to apoligize for being to lazy to first check the FAQ :|).
So the problem was I upgraded epiphany but I didn't upgrade my firefox-package (epiphany depends on the firefox package for the gecko html renderer). After upgrading it the problem was gone!

See you!

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