Friday, June 24, 2005

Special K
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I never intended to write this as it involves some politiks and prakmatism, but yeah, this is a small post about KDE :). At first I'd like to say I don't like the black-white Kold-war-like thinking of "I like this thus I hate the others". So, I don't hate KDE at all, I just use Knome as it feels better for me.
Anyway, what I wanted to say is I just stumbled upon this page. It's some kind of sneak-peek website for KDE-stuff, to show off what's already in the kode for the neKst release. So, what do we learn ? KDE is 'kopying' (not in some bad sence of the word) some knome features. I'll link some skreenshots so I don't have to eksplain a lot:

The 'minipager' (desktop switcher):

Adding applets to Kicker (we call it a 'panel'):

Konqueror (web browser) is able to load google maps:

The future is bright for KDE too. Kongratulations ;) !



Blogger Unknown knowledgely replied ...


10:01 PM, June 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous knowledgely replied ...

Looks awesome! Can't wait for it! ^_^

11:34 PM, June 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous knowledgely replied ...

How do I install these???

11:37 PM, June 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous knowledgely replied ...

If you saw the list of stuff KDE implemented first than GNOME, you would not be so cheerful...
The simple HTML renderer used by gnome is an old (and bad) port of KHTML, for instance...

12:43 AM, June 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous knowledgely replied ...

Yeah... the day Gnome has something that works as well as KIO-Slaves and a file manager which is not torn to pieces by Konqueror (or Krusader!), I'll switch :-)

1:03 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Karel Demeyer knowledgely replied ...

"If you saw the list of stuff KDE implemented first than GNOME, you would not be so cheerful"
Why ? Maybe I do not want all that stuff. I'm sure KDE has stuff I could miss in gnome, as gnome has stuff KDE misses (like those things I mentioned).
Is Gecko an old port of KHTML ? Or do you mean GtkHtml ? So what ? That's noty used for browsers and stuff theat need all the functions. Itu's just for showing marked up text made up in html.

1:12 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Karel Demeyer knowledgely replied ...

"a file manager which is not torn to pieces" = a file manager that does more then file managing, it's job ?
There's a big difference in the job of a file manager and a browser. A file manager is supposed to make you confortable managing your files. A browser is a viewer for content (filees) in the internet. If you like the way it's done in KDE .. enjoy it. You're not alone, and I don't really care. It's all about tastes. But, don't you dare to think there's only "1 right way" :)

1:15 AM, June 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous knowledgely replied ...

gnome blows goats.

that is all

j/k, but I moved from gnome to kde between gnome 1.2 and gnome 2.0, and haven't looked back.

1:22 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Karel Demeyer knowledgely replied ...

Well, this gnome is all about "why gnome rocks for me". So, if you want to learn about cool stuff in gnome, check my archives ;)!

1:31 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Unknown knowledgely replied ...

glad you like what you saw .. maybe you'll give KDE 3.5 a try when it comes out =)

some notes: the pager features weren't copied from GNOME at all. those features were added to actually make it more like the external KDE pager. i know this because i was the one who made the modifications ;) and these kinds of pagers actually predate both kpager and gnome-pager. and does gnome-pager support dragging from the taskbar?

the applet dialog is indeed inspired by the one in gnome, though i'm pretty happy about the search field and the ability to add more than one applet with the dialog buttons. maybe the gnome-panel hackers will get some inspiration in return from that =)

as for konqueror being able to handle google maps, i wasn't aware that GNOME had an html renderer as part of the project. if you are refering to gecko, that's hardly a GNOME project.

p.s. is the 'c' key not working on your keyboard? ;-P hehe

2:15 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Karel Demeyer knowledgely replied ...

Cool to hear some positive feedback from a KDE devel :D. (not that I wouldn't expect it)
No, gnome's workspace-switcher doesn't support dragging from the taskbar. though it could be handy ... I don't think I'll use it very much as it's not very 'real', I mean .. it's like dragging an icon that represents the app in a "list of apps" to a thing that shows the apps (also that app if up) in their respective workplaces. Anyway, it's all about tastes :) Maybe I'll feature-request that for gnome too.

Well, maybe I'll try KDE 3.5 once on a live-CD or something, but I won't download the whole thing (as it's a big beast ;)) as I quite know what KDE offers me. And, I don't like it at all (just my taste!). I tried out Kopete once this week to see what it's like and I must say it annoyed me allmost every minute :(. I'm sure there are poeple that like it, so I'm not bashing the app. I just personally can't use it comfortably.
In gnome there's also some search function in the applet-adding dialog. It's called "type ahead search" (I'm trying not to sound arrogant ;)). It's there, it won't clutter up your screen, but the user just knows it's there as it works all over in gnome ;).
And yeah, we can add multiple applets with the dialog without quiting it. It's called "dragging the thing on the panel wherever you like it". I blog about these cool things :D.
I never said Gecko is a part of gnome, but I want to say it's used in gnome, for Yelp (the Help-browser), in the default webbrowser etc...
My C key works, does it work in KDE too ? :D

Thanks for your comment !

2:36 AM, June 25, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous knowledgely replied ...

This is some interesting work and screenshots! Thanks for posting.

3:55 AM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Dennie knowledgely replied ...

Gnome vs. KDE is useless and thus, so is this blog. Developers should work together, not laughing without any rational facts.

12:35 PM, June 25, 2005  
Blogger Dennie knowledgely replied ...

If you didn't mean to bash KDE, then this was a misunderstanding. The blog approached me as being very cynical. This isn't the case as you explain. Also, with "this blog", I refered to this post. So, I have to apologies for misunstanding your post.

Now that things are cleared up, I would appreciate it, if you don't do your replies on this on my own blog, by going offtopic in an article a friend of mine wrote. Instead, you could have emailed me. :)

12:57 AM, June 26, 2005  
Blogger Karel Demeyer knowledgely replied ...

Well, I'd like to apoligize for that, but I didn't find your email adress anywhere. I could have overseen it, ifso, my apoligies.
I also didn't see it was a cooperative blog you post on so I thought it was your personal one. Excuse me please.

10:14 AM, June 26, 2005  
Blogger Unknown knowledgely replied ...

Good post

4:01 AM, October 26, 2005  
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Great post, I enjoyed reading it.

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6:44 PM, November 03, 2005  
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