Sunday, June 19, 2005

Command line applet

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This is one for those who are used to the commandline but want to forget about it, for example, to get rid of the geekish linux user stigma ;). Especially if you only use the terminal to run programs/scripts you have no starter for on your desktop/panel or in your menus. To add this applet to your panel, like for all panel applets, right-click a panel and choose "Add to panel...":

(click to get the full size image)

Then you get this well-known "Add to panel" window:

(click to get the full size image)

Search through list till you find the "Command line" (or whatever it is in your language ;)) applet. To quickly find it, you can just click some entry and begin typing the name of it. Btw: you can do this in most 'lists' in gnome! When you found the applet you need (the command line one for this example ;)) you can double click it to add it on the place where you right-clicked, or just drag it to any place on the panel where you like it :). This is how it looks:

(click to get the full size image)

When you type and just hit return, the command gets run as it were run on a terminal. If you click the dot, you can choose a file on your filesystem to execute, the down-arrow shows you a history of your last-used commands.
But, we're not done yet! This applet is a lot more powerfull then just to execute some commands. Let's open the preferences dialog (by right-clicking the applet and choosing "preferences - obvious, right ? ;)):

(click to get the full size image)

As you see, you can enable history-based auto-completition, which is very cool as it makes you not have to retype the whole thing you run ... this seems stupid for commands you run regulary as it would be a lot easier to just provide a starter for them, but ...
On the second tab of the preferences-screen you can set "macros". I cannot explain this very well in English, but it just means you can do a lot more then just running normal commands with this nifty applet. There where some macros set by default, for example, one that opens your browser with a google search if you type "google: ". Another cool one just makes your browser open a url you type (paste ;)) in the applet. It's easy to add new macros. For example, to search in the archives of this blog, add a macro with the pattern "^gt: *(.*)$" and command "gnome-open\1&
NT%3A5588AA%3BGIMP%3A5588AA%3BLH%3A100%3BLW%3A800%3BL%3Ahttp" (all this on one line and both without the quote-marks). Then, you can just type "gt: gnome" to search for the word 'gnome' in my archives :).

Cyah !



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4:58 AM, November 07, 2005  
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1:51 AM, May 03, 2006  

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