Burn baby burn ...
Long time ago, right? I didn't have much time actually. My first year Bachelor in Criminologic Sciences is running at it's end, so we have a lot of work and exams are coming near. But, as anti-stress measure between studying, I'm gonna tell you a bit about Nautilus Burner.
What is Nautilus Burner ? It's a Nautilus (Gnome's filemanager - the program that draws those icons on your desktop and creates the windows with all your files inside) extension that allows you to burn CDs and DVDs very easily. I mean, very easy !
Here's a cool trick I found in a gnome-journal article:
Long time ago, right? I didn't have much time actually. My first year Bachelor in Criminologic Sciences is running at it's end, so we have a lot of work and exams are coming near. But, as anti-stress measure between studying, I'm gonna tell you a bit about Nautilus Burner.
What is Nautilus Burner ? It's a Nautilus (Gnome's filemanager - the program that draws those icons on your desktop and creates the windows with all your files inside) extension that allows you to burn CDs and DVDs very easily. I mean, very easy !
- Open the Nautilus Burner 'place' window. You can do this easily by opening a random Nautilus window, clicking on the "Places" menu and choosing "CD/DVD creator":
- Drag the files you want to burn to your CD/DVD in this window (they will be 'copied' by default, so there's no need to press CTRL to have 'm copied instead of moved ;)):
- When you've dragged all needed files to the window, click on the "File" menu and select "Write to disc":
- Then you get this dialog:
First you choose the device you want to write with, you give the CD a name, choose wether or not you want the device to eject the disc after writing and if you want to write another CD with this data and then you click the "Write" button. That's all ! I said it was easy, right ? :)
Here's a cool trick I found in a gnome-journal article:
See you !To create an autorun script, create a plain text file named “autorun”, something like this:
dir=$(echo $0 |sed 's/autorun//')
cd $dir
exec /usr/bin/nautilus $fullpath
To make it executable, right click on the autorun script and set it to executable.
Drag it into the burn window with the rest of your files. Now, when the CD/DVD is inserted a new nautilus window will open and browse the CD/DVD.
Labels: gnometux